Design - Learning Through Visuals

Dec 04, 2022 Creativitytest



Ninety per cent of the information we receive is visual, and the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. And plenty of studies show that visual learning makes a more enduring impression on memory.


Pablo Picasso

“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”

Speaking of Picasso, that which can be seen is the greatest guide for learning. Those who prefer to communicate ideas and thoughts via images, graphics, colors, and maps are said to have a visual learning style. These learners might employ color, tone, and brightness to recall information because they are likely to have photographic memories. A visual learner, even when reading a written message, will try to visualize it in their head in order to really retain that information. Although some more than others, most people use visuals as a tool for learning. 

Why are visuals so powerful? Here are 6 reasons:

  • 90% of the information that is sent to the brain is visual.
  • Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than words.
  • Humans can make sense of a visual scene in less than 1/10th of a second
  • The retina receives signals from 40% of nerve fibers.
  • Images that endure for only 13 milliseconds can be seen by our brains.
  • The human eye can register 36,000 visual messages each hour.


Characteristics of Visual Learners

So, what distinguishes visual learners? They tend to learn more effectively by observing information that is visual.

Here are 3 main characteristics of visual learners:

  • They’re particularly color-oriented, 
  • Their excellent sense of proportion and alignment,
  • Their ability to visualize imagery with ease. 

It is common to see them learning through a variety of methods, including

  • Color-coding notes, 
  • Creating to-do lists, 
  • Utilizing concept maps to arrange their ideas.

Street Visual Art, Italy


The Power of Visuals

More than 65% of people are visual learners. Brands that leverage visuals in their branding understand how to  influence their audience. The fact that we can identify certain symbols, such as a bitten apple or three stripes with brands in a matter of seconds shows how powerful visuals are..

There are 6 reasons why visuals are incredibly powerful:

  1. They play a key role in strengthening memory: The simplest and most efficient technique to ensure that the information is retained in long-term memory is images. According to Dr. Lynell Burmark, a well-known education consultant, our short-term memory only processes words and can hold onto seven pieces of information simultaneously. Images, however, are processed immediately in our long-term memory, where they get permanently engraved.
  2. They act as emotional stimulators: The same area of the human brain processes both emotional and visual information. Simple connections exist between visual stimuli and emotional responses. These connections produce the memories that we refer to. As a result, learners are strongly affected and retain information when presented with vivid visuals and visual metaphors.
  3. They accelerate learning: Bulleted lists of information are undoubtedly easier to digest. However, the same information is processed even more quickly when it is presented as a picture or a video. 
  4. They inspire us: A lot of people struggle with learning because they don’t find the learning material attractive, which makes it difficult for them to exert the necessary effort. In situations like this, visuals are your best bet. Engaging materials like photographs, movies, infographics, and other media keep students from getting bored and encourage them to perform better.
  5. They help companies help employees: To successfully execute a task, it’s essential to understand the step-by-step procedure, which cannot be accomplished with verbal instructions. However, learning is made simple when instructions are provided through the visual medium. In the event that you become confused while studying, all you need to do is watch the video again to clear things out. As a result, visual training has greatly benefited modern corporations’ need for on-the-job training.
  6. They are simply fun: Adding a video link to the learning content makes learning enjoyable. You will be able to focus better on your study topics if you are deeply engaged in them. Whereas with traditional learning, there is no joy because you have to sit down with your books and listen to the teacher, which can become monotonous quickly.



How Visuals Can Help Your Organization:

Visuals are not only extremely attractive for engaging your external audience with your brand and content. They are also incredibly useful for your organization and management in the following ways:

  • They Save Time with Communications 

The brain processes images 60,000 times more quickly than it does text. Saving time and money by getting your point across quickly is a terrific idea. Images and videos convey richer experiences than texts alone. It can be challenging to capture and keep readers’ attention in a cluttered media landscape. Because of this, readers frequently prefer to scan text as opposed to reading it word for word. The best way to convey your message quickly is through visual content.

  • They enhance effective communication

Your message may be overlooked if an email has a lot of text. It’s possible that the person who receives your note won’t comprehend what you’re saying, which will waste time. Instead, you should employ images! Working on projects with distant colleagues might be difficult. A fantastic method to quickly iterate on recommended adjustments among your team and ensure that everyone is on the same page is to use short, straightforward films or animated GIFs. GIFs are a fantastic tool for boosting mood. Working can be stressful, so adding entertaining GIFs that also convey a clear message can help with communication.

  • They are essential in creating a unique brand identity

Branding is crucial for providing a consistent visual experience. Many firms have established brand colors that must be utilized in all marketing operations in addition to a logo. Your brand becomes recognized when combined with your company’s voice and tone and logos, colors, typeface, graphics, symbols, and imagery. When entering a new market, using consistent visual communication is a terrific approach to capitalize on the equity of your brand. Whether your business is a small consultancy or 500 people powerhouse, is a start-up, or has a lengthy history, ensuring that everyone is utilizing the same established brand elements is an  excellent approach to begin promoting your business and developing brand awareness.



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