Delivering presentations anxiety-free: Tips & Tricks

Dec 23, 2022 Productivity Tipstest


Itchy and shaky hands? Uncontrolled breathing? Irregular heart rates? Congrats you’ve been diagnosed with “stress before presentation”!



Tips for Getting Over Nervousness Before a Presentation

Public speaking is a skill that is both rewarding and intimidating. It‘s natural to feel some anxiety before taking the stage, but it‘s important to understand that these feelings are normal and common. With the right techniques and preparation, you can learn to channel these jitters in order to deliver a better presentation. Here are some tips to help you overcome your nervousness and make sure you are completely prepared for your next presentation.

Public speaking can be a powerful way to share stories, express opinions, and inspire action. It takes skill and courage to get in front of a group of people and speak, but with practice, anyone can become a great public speaker. According to the Harvard Business Review, a few key elements of successful public speaking are engaging with the audience, using natural body language, and telling stories that illustrate key points. With the right preparation and practice, giving a successful speech can be fun and emotionally rewarding.


Positive Self-Talk

Positive selftalk is an essential tool to help you get over the fear of public speaking. Whenever the fear of the presentation creeps in, use affirmations and positive language to remind yourself of your strengths. Focus on the areas where you excel and use this confidence to inform how you approach the presentation.

Confidence comes not from always being right but not fearing to be wrong” – Peter T. Mcintyre

Positive self talk can make a huge difference in how we feel about ourselves and our lives in general. According to Psychology Today,talking to ourselves in a positive way increases our confidence, our sense of worth, and the way we approach challenges. Just a few words of encouragementor repeating a helpful mantracan make a huge difference in how we approach a difficult task or situation. Positive self talk can be as simple as reminding ourselves that we have the power to make positive choices, or just taking a few moments to remind ourselves of our positive traits and accomplishments. When we practice positive self talk, we customize our own inner dialogue, creating an inner voice that is optimistic, supportive, and encouraging instead of one that is critical or judgmental. The result is greater confidence, resilience, and a more positive outlook on life.


Practice Your Presentation

Practicing your presentation is one of the most effective ways to reduce your anxiety and make sure you are fully prepared. A great way to do this is to use a presentation simulator as a way to practice in front of avirtual audience“. This can help you become more comfortable with the material and plan for any potential issues that may arise.

Presentations are an important part of any successful business or academic endeavor. Not only do they provide an opportunity to showcase expertise and gain credibility, but they also help to foster connections with others and build relationships. Practicing presentations is essential to ensure that your message is effectively communicated, as well as to build confidence in yourself and your abilities. According to the Harvard Business Review,Gaining the ability to present well provides an edge that is hard to match. After all, its not just what you say, but also how you say it that counts. Being able to effectively deliver a message, whether in person or virtually, will help you make an impression and differentiate yourself from the competition. With proper practice, anyone can become a confident and effective presenter. So, dont be afraid to step up to the podium practice and preparation will help you succeed.


Control Your Breathing

It‘s easy to become overwhelmed and start taking shallow breaths when you‘re feeling anxious. To avoid this, focus on controlling your breathing and take deep breaths throughout your presentation. This can help to create a sense of calm and confidence and make sure you are presenting in a relaxed state. Visualize Success Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you calm your nerves before a presentation. Visualize yourself in the presentation room, confidently delivering your presentation to the audience. Imagine their reactions and how they are affected by your words. Use this visualization to help you stay focused and confident during the presentation.

Take deep breaths; it calms the mind.” -Debasish Mridha

Breathing is a crucial part of a successful presentation. When we feel anxious, fear can take over, making it difficult to speak coherently. Control your breathing during a presentation by taking slow, deep breaths. This will help calm your nerves and increase your focus. Deep diaphragmatic breathing can also help control the pace and volume of your speech, while allowing you to make a meaningful connection with your audience. As counterintuitive as it may seem, controlling your breathing can help you gain confidence and make you appear more relaxed and in control. To give an effective presentation, use mindful breathing techniques to help you be confident and in control of your situation (



Adapt to Your Audience

One of the key elements to an effective presentation is adapting to your audience. As you research the topic and prepare for the presentation, try to think about the audiences needs and interests. This can help you create a more effective presentation that resonates with the audience and makes your message more powerful.

When it comes to communicating and connecting with our audience, we all need to remember to adapt to their needs. This means being mindful of how we present information to them. We should tailor our messages to their language, interests, and cultural sensitivities. We should also take into account the different media platforms we use to communicate, like email, video, or social media. According to Content Marketing Institute,adjusting your content to fit the platform, messaging style, and the preferences of your audience increases engagement and outreach.” If we want to create a meaningful and lasting impact, we must first understand our audience and modify our communication style to cater to their preferences and interests.



Harvard Business Review. “How to Become a Better Public Speaker: 10 Tips from the Pros”

Silverman, M. (2019, April 02). How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking: 13 Tips. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from

Khan, A. (2020, October 05). 10 Tips for Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from

Himelfarb, K. (n.d.). 8 Techniques to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from

Leckie, S. (2017, October 26). 10 Tips For Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from

Allen, E. (2016, November 03). How to Prepare for a Presentation in a Way That Will Make You Relaxed and Confident. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from



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