The Elevator Pitch Reimagined

to look into when you are in doubt


Why should you use an elevator pitch for your career? An elevator pitch sometimes referred to as an elevator speech, is a brief summary of your education, professional background, and primary goal. It should be brief enough to present during a short elevator ride, which is why it’s called an elevator pitch.



The Elevator Pitch in Practice: When and How?

If you’re on the hunt for new professional opportunities, you can make use of the elevator pitch strategy in the physical and digital realm. In-person opportunities to give an elevator pitch will present themselves at career fairs and job fairs.

At mixers and networking events, you can introduce yourself using your elevator pitch. Have your elevator pitch prepared to discuss with people you meet if you are attending professional association programs and activities or any other form of gathering.

A good method to acquire confidence when introducing yourself to hiring managers and corporate reps is to practice your elevator speech.

Make no mistake – you will have many possibilities to pitch yourself or ideas online, in places like your Twitter bio and LinkedIn description. 

“You need to have a differentiating message. If you are new, different, and proposing to solve a real pain or fulfill a cherished hope, you have a chance to be heard.”

Steve Woodruff


Here’s a quick guide to the only elevator pitch you’ll ever need:

  • Describe your qualifications and objectives right away. You want to concentrate on what’s most important.
  • Strive to keep it under 60 seconds – keep your elevator speech succinct and to the point.
  • Your speech will get better the more you practice. Although spontaneity can spark innovation, don’t go completely unprepared.
  • Your elevator pitch will stick out if you have an interesting opening. Think of a great hook to capture your audience.
  • Do your research. You need to make sure that you know exactly who you’re talking to and what their interests are. You will capture their attention quickly if you have something to offer that they’re interested in. 


Practice, Practice, Practice!

It’s imperative that you practice giving your elevator pitch before writing it down or typing it.

Set a timer for 60 seconds and test out your hook and pitch. If you don’t sound convincing to yourself, you may need to go back to the drawing room.

Finally, before making your first presentation to actual investors or lenders, try practicing it with warm connections like friends and coworkers to receive their feedback.



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