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Persuading Your Boss to Work Remotely


“Dear Boss,

I hope this message finds you well and not too annoyed by the sound of my voice on our daily Zoom calls. I know you’re used to seeing my face in the office every day, but I think it’s time for a change. I want to work remotely, and I have some very convincing reasons why.

Firstly, my commute to work is like a scene from Mad Max: Fury Road. I battle traffic, weather, and my own sanity every day just to get to the office. By the time I arrive, I’m already exhausted, and I haven’t even started working yet. Working remotely would save me time, money, and most importantly, my sanity.

Secondly, I’m pretty sure my cat is plotting against me. Every time I leave for work, I can see the look of betrayal in her eyes. By working remotely, I can finally show her the love and attention she deserves, and maybe avoid any potential feline coups in the future.

Finally, I promise I won’t be wearing my pajamas during work hours. Okay, maybe just the pants. But who’s to say that wearing a nice shirt and cozy pants won’t improve my productivity? It’s science.

So, Boss, I hope you can see the benefits of letting me work remotely. I promise I won’t let you down, and I’ll even share pictures of my cat as a token of my gratitude.


[Your Name]”

Ever felt like sending a message like that to your boss? So have we! But, before you send a funny but charming message to your boss asking to move remotely, make sure to add some factual persuasion to really get your point across.


Here’s an elaborate list of the benefits of remote work we’ve prepared for you on this journey:

  1. Flexibility: Working remotely gives you more freedom over your schedule and where you work, which can help you strike a better work-life balance.
  2. Decreased travel time: By not having to commute, workers can save time and experience less stress, which may increase productivity.
  3. Cost savings: Workers can spend less on travel, food, and other expenditures related to working in an office.
  4. More autonomy: Employees who work remotely have more freedom to take responsibility for their tasks and to set their own agendas.
  5. Increased job satisfaction is a result of employees having more control over their work environment and schedule when they work remotely.
  6. Productivity gains: As there are fewer interruptions and diversions for remote workers, they can work more efficiently.
  7. Productivity gains: As there are fewer interruptions and diversions for remote workers, they can work more efficiently.
  8. Access to a bigger talent pool: Employing remote workers enables businesses to hire the top candidates wherever they are and access a bigger talent pool.
  9. More diversity and inclusivity: As employers are not restricted to employing locally, remote labor can result in greater diversity and inclusivity.
  10. Lower carbon impact: By removing the need for employees to commute to work, remote work can lower a company’s carbon footprint.
  11. Collaboration between teams and departments can be improved by working remotely because employees must rely on digital tools and communication to cooperate.
  12. Better work-life balance: Working remotely can help employees better balance their personal and professional lives, which can improve their mental and physical health.
  13. Employee retention is improved by remote work because employees are more inclined to stick with a company that allows them to have flexibility and autonomy.
  14. Increased disaster preparedness: Employees who work remotely can continue their job from home even while an office is closed, which can help businesses get ready for calamities or unforeseen situations.



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