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*Going Live: The Dos and Don'ts of Streaming Online Presentations


The pandemic has pushed many people to rely on online presentations to communicate with their audience. As the world shifts more towards remote work and virtual events, it’s crucial to know how to deliver a flawless online presentation. Going live means that you’re broadcasting to a global audience, and you need to make sure everything runs smoothly. In this article, we’ll provide the dos and don’ts of streaming online presentations to ensure that you deliver a successful and engaging presentation.



Do: Test Your Technology

Before going live, test your technology to ensure that everything is working correctly. Check your internet connection, camera, and microphone. Make sure that your computer meets the technical requirements for the software you’re using. You don’t want to waste your audience’s time troubleshooting technical difficulties.



Don’t: Overlook Lighting and Sound

Poor lighting and sound can ruin an online presentation. Make sure that you have a well-lit area to present and that your microphone picks up your voice clearly. If you’re in a noisy area, use headphones or an external microphone to improve sound quality.



Do: Practice Your Presentation

Practice makes perfect, so rehearse your presentation beforehand. Timing is important, and you don’t want to run over your allotted time. Practice your transitions between slides and your delivery of each section of your presentation. Rehearsing will help you become more confident and comfortable with your content.



Don’t: Overload Your Slides

Your slides are there to support your presentation, not replace it. Avoid overloading them with too much text or images. Use bullet points and clear headings to make it easy for your audience to follow along. Too much information on one slide can cause confusion and detract from your message.



Do: Engage Your Audience

Engage your audience by asking questions and encouraging participation. Use polling features or chat boxes to allow your audience to interact with you. Take breaks for questions and make sure that you’re available to respond to inquiries throughout your presentation.



Don’t: Neglect Your Body Language

Your body language is just as important in an online presentation as it is in an in-person presentation. Make sure that you sit up straight, maintain eye contact, and smile. Avoid fidgeting, slouching, or looking away from the camera. Your body language can impact how your audience perceives you and your message.



Expert Opinions

According to Andrew Ng, founder of and co-founder of Coursera, “Live streaming is a powerful tool for online learning because it allows learners to interact with instructors and other learners in real-time.”

Similarly, Linda Galindo, author of The 85% Solution, has said, “Virtual presentations require more preparation, more attention to detail, and more energy from the presenter. The presenter’s job is to engage the audience and make them feel like they’re part of the experience.”

In conclusion, streaming online presentations has become a critical component of remote work and virtual events. Testing your technology, ensuring good lighting and sound, practicing your presentation, engaging your audience, and being mindful of your body language are all essential elements of a successful online presentation. By following these dos and don’ts, you can deliver an engaging and memorable presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.




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