Beyond the New Normal

Dec 08, 2022 Remote Worktest


Wait what?! Are we back to normal? Or is this the new normal? Post-covid jargon, right? Is it ever going to be like before?


Reluctance to change

At the start of the pandemic, there was widespread reluctance amongst management to move fully remote. Perhaps it’s human nature to reject change or perhaps it’s old habits die hard. Either way, the much overdue digital transformation was met with a lot of reluctance


Where are we now?

Those days seem like a lifetime ago. Nearly two years into the pandemic, 6 out of 10 American employees whose job can be done remotely are working from home most or all the time. By 2026, 22% of the American workforce will be completely remote.

Currently, 12% of the European Union workforce is working remotely. This is a remarkable increase from the 5% that has characterized the past decade. Following the COVID-related regulations, European citizens quickly found haven in the virtual world, allowing them to continue work uninterrupted.


What once started as a necessity is now a choice…

University of Chicago conducted a widespread survey, including 10,000 employees to really get down to the core of this issue. When asked, all of them thought that they are just as productive working from home as at the office. There was an exceptional 30% who thought they were even more productive and engaged working remotely. Why?

Well, for once, no commute. Around 62.4 million hours are spent commuting daily. From March to September 2020, 9 billion hours were saved in commuting. 

Other commonly cited reasons are savings in expenses to get things like lunch, transportation, and work attire. Although this was not universal, many felt that they could save mental energy from socializing and office politics and channel it into their work. 

Interestingly, some feel more creative working from home since the very physicality of the office puts constraints on their ability to think outside the box…


Did we accidentally save the environment?

Let’s not forget the positive benefits remote working has on the environment!  

The researchers contend that even if digital resources use a lot of energy in data centers, the overall effect is still good because video conferencing calls emit approximately 0.6% of the carbon emissions produced by an average commute.

For many of us, working from home can be much more environmentally friendly than taking the regular journey to work, with home working cutting our individual emissions by as much as 80% in some circumstances. Therefore remote work can be accounted for by a company’s sustainability goals, where sustainability is one of the hottest topics in recent years. 

? Did you know that the COVID-19 lockdowns led to an estimated decline in carbon emissions of 2.4 billion tonnes?


New York during the pandemic, 2021


Are we going back to the office?

Depends on who you ask!

Seems like only 36% of people believe that the office is best suited for individual work, and they are eager to work there – from time to time.

But, the most puzzling group is the 32% of those who said that they would quit their job if they couldn’t work remotely. Seems like virtual is not only the new real, but it’s better than the physical. The constraints of a physical workplace are long gone – workers are now turning to fully digital workplaces. 

The innovators who were not reluctant to change and went virtual even before the pandemic are now reaping the benefits. Those who have welcomed the virtual revolution are generally leaders to jump on the wagon of change, instead of hide and run. And they go far…

“Every day is an opportunity for a change, and growth as a human”

Jone Smedvig, Founder of MasterWizr

Regions where technological advancement is integral to societal advancement were already at an advantage. Asian countries, generally at higher levels of technological reforms, are showing little to no reluctance to change. Around 56% of Asia/Pacific employees want flexible work even beyond the pandemic.


But why?

What is up with the remote enthusiasts? What’s with the frenzy?

Here’s main reasons why employees want to stay remote:

  • Higher productivity
  • Work-life balance
  • Ability to work internationally
  • Can play music while working
  • Can even go for a run on lunch break
  • Don’t have to worry about appearance
  • Can dedicate commute time to actual work

It seems like the list can go on and on… While there’s many reasons to be listed, it seems like there is an overarching theme here. Employees feel like they have ownership of their own day for once… And there is nothing like feeling in control of your own life! 

?Did you know that leading innovators, like Twitter and Reddit, have gone permanently remote or hybrid?


Is everyone on the same boat?

Much like employees, industries have different needs and ability to adapt. Some industries are going mostly to fully remote much faster than others. In case you pondered, here’s 7 industries with the highest growing demand for remote employees:

  1. Customer support
  2. Banking and finance
  3. Health and wellness
  4. Technology
  5. Education

As industries capitalize on the global workforce available virtually, available technologies innovate and evolve simultaneously to serve the needs of the generation of work.


Managing the change

The flexibility of telework has proven to be attractive to an array of workers, from corporates to solo entrepreneurs. That is not to say that there should be no effort to make our virtual world as pleasant as possible.

Some workers say that they feel less connected to their coworkers when working from home. When asked to elaborate, it became clear that it is not the virtual element in itself that builds walls between people. It is the lack of effort.

Working virtually does not mean that we are free from effort. The tools we use to connect and communicate should be multi-dimensional, as is virtual reality. Instead of settling for the status quo of minimum effort platforms, remote workers want platforms where they can:

  • Communicate authentically
  • Express their talents
  • Present their hard work
  • Foster connection
  • Engage audiences

So, we challenge you to go beyond the “new normal” and be a co-creator of virtual-real fusion. Opt for platforms that are built on authenticity, that feel like a virtual breath of fresh air.


What do Spotify, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon have in common?

Besides being the world’s leading companies in success and innovation, ofcourse. They are all part of the 33 companies who are going permanently hybrid or remote.

As for many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic was a test trial, giving us a sneak peek of the remote life. These companies did not stop at that. They have embraced and gone beyond the new normal, strategically letting workers choose where they wish to work from. 

Why was this a strategic decision? Let’s go through the facts:

  • Remote workers are reportedly 47% more productive,
  • Flexible employers have access to a wider pool of talent,
  • Equipment costs go down by 24%
  • Hello – real estate costs? Remote work is saving American giant McKensson is saving $2 million annually in real estate costs.

Whether you have fully embraced this transformation or not yet, remote jobs now make up 15% of the total job opportunities in the United States. Employees are actually willing to take a 5% to 10% pay cut in exchange for WFH options. So, yes, not offering WFH options may be why you’re not retaining the best talent you could.

Are you tired of the daily commute, inflexible work schedules, and the lack of work-life balance? Look no further than joining Master Wizr! With the current global shift towards remote work, these platforms provide access to a variety of jobs that allow you to work from anywhere, anytime. Say goodbye to the traditional 9-to-5 and hello to a more flexible and fulfilling lifestyle.

With a plethora of opportunities available, you can choose the projects that best fit your skills and interests. Topped with the support and resources provided by us, you can be confident in your ability to succeed as a remote worker. Take the leap and subscribe to MWizr today to unlock the full potential of your career.



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